Title: Planned Server Maintenance - SL-508-29 SL-508-27 SL-508-28
Date: July/29/2025
Start time: 08 AM MDT
End time: 13:00 PM MDT
Duration: 5-6 hours
To provide you with the most reliable and robust hosting environment available, we will be upgrading the operating system on the following servers:
This maintenance window will start on July 29th, 2025 between the hours of 09 pm - 12 pm MDT. It is expected there will be around 2-3 hour hours of downtime during this window. The upgrade process will take up to 5-6 to fully complete.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our support team.
COMPLETED 13:30 MDT - Planned Server Maintenance is now complete. All services are resumed to fully operational. Thank you for your patience during this maintenance window.